As I said, I don't know exactly where this project is going to take me. For those of you who know me in real life, you know that I'm never at a loss for words, but this is different. I'm having a difficult time knowing how and where to begin. So, I've decided to just begin from where I am right now. Today.
I love to read. I always have. These days I find I have very little time for it, but for the past few months I've been sitting up after everyone else goes to bed to try to catch up on my extremely long (and growing longer daily) reading list. What have I been reading lately?
As a mom, especially a mom of girls, protecting their innocence and purity is one of my main goals. If this is a subject that interests you as a parent, click on the book cover above to order a copy from Amazon. The same can be done with the other three books below. Isn't the internet grand :)
When Rob and I first discovered we were expecting Baby Doll, but before we knew she was a girl, we participated in this Bible study at our church. Since Dipper was born, I've gone back and purchased Dobson's actual chapter book and finished reading it not long ago. A must read for parents who want to raise boys in the fear and admonition of the Lord!
Right now on my nightstand you would find a copy of this. Unglued. Wow. One of the most convicting books I've read in a while. I'm really excited because next week I'll be beginning this Bible study with several other SAHM in our little town.
Last, but not least, by an means, is one of my favorite books EVER. I haven't read it in it's entirety in a year or more, but I flip back through and hit the highlights on a regular basis. I couldn't very well post about what I'm reading without including this one (though, I'm certain it will end up with a post all its own in the future). This book probably without a doubt has influenced me more as a mother than any other book I've ever read with the exception of The Bible. If you are a parent and you have ANY interest in teaching your children to love Jesus you have GOT to read this book. Even if you never read another post on this blog, if I can convince you to read this book I will consider it a huge success!
We need to think about what we read. We hear a lot about how much television and internet influences us, but what we read does the same thing. Once you allow an idea or thought to enter your mind it's there. It sticks with us and it effects our every day life. What are we putting into our minds?
Finally, brothers and
sisters, whatever is true, whatever is noble, whatever is right,
whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is admirable—if anything
is excellent or praiseworthy—think about such things.
Phillipians 4:8
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